February 09, 2025 • Makkal Adhikaram
Politics and political parties in the country are not the work of cheating the people. When will the people understand this truth? Only then can the people choose the government for the people.
Politics is for the people! Political parties are for the people! How did such an important politics and political party become a business today? Who is to blame for that? Politics and political parties are aimed at serving the people. Today, it has become more than just business. Who is to blame for this, people? No political parties? People’s indifference is 100% there.

People are the first to blame for the mistake. What is public interest to people? What is selfish? They are living without knowing. Their only mistake was, what did it gain for herself? What good is this political party for us? As a result of the selfishness of politics and the political party, the selfish have become their altruists in politics.

What if someone comes? What kind of people do they have? Everyone comes to curl up and go. Such misconceptions have been ingrained in people’s minds. Before 1965, politics was about public interest and prestige. The people who lived then must have had a degree from someone in town. Now 75 per cent of the people in the town are getting degrees, but what should politics be like? What is the purpose of the political party? I don’t know anything.

Today’s youth see pictures of actors and actresses 100 times on social media, but what should politics be for their own life? What should political parties look like? They don’t think about anything. None of the media has made this clear to the people. They are also running the news and television on the basis of business.

Just as political parties and political parties are selfish, this newspaper media is also selfish. It is for these media that the media officials are deceiving this journalism industry with a law called circulation and a wrong law called policy decision. They report. These facts are not so easily understood by people.

Because I’ve worked in journalism for 30 years. I have been running a newspaper for 10 years and if it takes me so long to understand these facts, it is difficult for the common man to understand. But educated youth should read this with interest and understand this truth for the benefit of your life.

You are going to be the main determinant of this politics in the future. What should be the political party and politics that you are the one who works for your welfare? You’re going to decide. People above the age of 40-50 are people who vote for money, whichever political party gives more. Those who live without a thought. It is because of them that corruption and loot have increased in today’s politics. The reason for this is that they do not understand any truth. Money is the only way to live.

As a result, rowdies, crooks and criminals who are in an incompetent political party have come to power. This is dangerous for democracy, for the social peace of the people. When these people live for money without knowing good and bad, their descendants also follow suit. They thought that this is a political party to earn for them, to rob them of crores, to hold the flag and shout slogans and show themselves as a big person in the society, to tie a flag in the car and to intimidate others and show bonds.

When it comes to an election, there are 50 Innova cars, a crowd of 100 people in white and white shirts, work dhotis, begging to vote. The crowd that is cheating in politics by voting for them, these people are talking on the mike, talking on the TV mike, if I win, I will do everything that cannot be done, whatever you say, I will do it.

As long as people don’t understand politics, they will keep deceiving you. If you understand politics, they will stand at your feet. Moreover, it is the main duty of the people to choose those who are deserving even if they stand at their feet. If you look at the money and choose, the looter will come there. Only the corrupt will come there. If you are fooled into thinking that he is poor, speaks well, and falls on his hands and feet, he will also rob you. What is his worth? What is his family history? What is his public service? What is his honesty in politics? Until you know all this, they will be deceiving you in politics.

The party is not important, service is important to us. We need a politician who will work for the people, not a corrupt person. Think, think, think and choose each one. Even if there is an autonomous candidate with no money, vote for him too. His political integrity? What was his sacrifice and what was his family like? Choose and vote.

Only then is the politics of the people! Until then, you can only choose a government that will earn money by corrupting politicians, parties and parties. The choice here is that from an ordinary ward member to an MLA, MP, people should read this truth, read it once, twice and think about it.

Not a single newspaper or television channel has ever told this truth. There are 300,000 newspapers in the country. But the only newspaper that can tell this truth is People’s Power and we are doing this for your benefit, for the welfare of the people without any expectations. However, these government media officials are also asking which newspapers should be given government identity cards. Which newspapers should be given concessions and advertisements? Without even knowing that, they are cheating the press.
Just as I am trying to explain the truth to the people, similarly we are making the media officers and those in power in this government understand. I don’t know when we will take a legal battle. We are making efforts for that. If they are brought before the law, they will not be able to answer for it. Our work will continue to serve the social cause.