Corruption in the district Co-operative Union! Is there an adjustment audit? Will Director General of Auditor Arun Sundar bring this out?

அரசியல் உணவு செய்தி உள்ளூர் செய்திகள் சமூகம் செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தமிழ்நாடு அரசு செய்திகள் தலைப்பு தேசிய செய்தி தொழில்நுட்பம் பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் மாவட்டம் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

March 16, 2025 • Makkal Adhikaram

Corruption in the district Co-operative Union! Is there an adjustment audit? Will Director General of Auditor Arun Sundar bring this out?

Director general of audit arun sunder dyalan .

Affiliated Societies of Kancheepuram Central Cooperative Bank, 862 Cooperative Societies are functioning. This includes 145 Employees Cooperative Societies. The profit making societies in the above societies are contributing 5% of their profits as Cooperative Research and Development Fund 3 and Cooperative Education Fund 2 to the District Cooperative Unions.

The District Cooperative Unions have to retain 10 of the amount and remit the balance 90 to the State Cooperative Union. How many District Cooperative Unions are there? Do they follow this system and whether their accounts have been properly audited? Is it also being monitored? Director General of Audit Arun Sundar should pay special attention to this.

Especially in the Kancheepuram Co-operative Union, a false balance sheet is being shown that the auditors and union managers are putting the balance sheet. Apart from this, most of the co-operatives allege that the present audit report is the job of the cooperative audit officer Kuppan to remove objections in the audit of the vacuchers and to correct the fake accounts written by the cooperative audit officer Kuppan taking a substantial amount of money.

Will Kancheepuram District Cooperative Union be audited by an honest co-operative officer? Will there be a re-audit of three years of accounts that have already gone wrong? Will an inquiry be ordered against the officials who misappropriated the Kancheepuram District Cooperative Union’s money to the tune of Rs 2 crore? Is the main question for cooperatives? besides

The respective District Cooperative Unions are functioning with a profit share of 5% from the societies operating in profit, but now the Kancheepuram District Cooperative Union is functioning with a substantial reduction in the balance in its account.

According to the cooperatives, the dividend received from some of the societies has not been taken into account.

So, how many of the total cooperative societies are running on profit? How much loss is it running on? Have profitable societies contributed to this? Is it credited to the paid account? It needs to be thoroughly studied.

Why do societies operate at a loss? It is the demand of all the co-operatives that the study should be conducted strictly. Besides, for the past three years, the auditor of the Kancheepuram District Cooperative Union has been looking after the reconciliation of Kuppan accounts, according to cooperative employees. Accounts like this

Sathya Narayanan, Managing Director (now promoted as Deputy Registrar and General Manager, Vellore Wholesale Market, Corporation) has been working for two and a half years, followed by Amutha (now Tiruttani Commodity Deputy Registrar) for six months, followed by Co-operative Sub-Registrar Premkumar for a few months.

The three of them are conniving with Kancheepuram Regional Joint Registrar Jai Sree and are involved in many irregularities and looting to the tune of Rs 2 crore and writing false accounts with the help of manager Murali. Both of them have shown that they are doing good work in the cooperative sector by putting it in the daily newspaper that they will pay.

That is why I have written many times in makkal adhikaram that these daily newspapers are promoting corruption in the country. The time has come for the news industry and the public to understand that these newspapers are of no use to the people.

Why do such newspapers tell so many lies to the people on a daily basis? Is that people’s tax money? They are being given concessions in the name of advertising. Moreover, there is no point in many such daily newspapers not knowing the truth and hiding themselves from the public and presenting themselves as a big paper.

There is nothing more disgraceful than PROs giving government advertisements and charging 30 percent commission for it, the media community itself has become the talk of criticism among the public today. Will this fact make the readers, cooperatives and the general public aware of the rampant and corrupt administration in the news department of the Central and State governments?

Also, does Dinamani know the background of this news? They also say that the news that has been expressed among the co-operative employees about this is an echo of the news published on the website of People’s Power a few days ago.

That is, the co-operative sub-registrar Prem Kumar rubbed a cake on the face during the Women’s Day celebration, Jai Shree asked the Joint Registrar what is the job of men in the celebration of Women’s Day? Is this photo now in the daily newspaper to put an end to it? That is the secret talk among the employees of the co-operative office.

Further, Sriperumbudur Co-operative Sub-Registrar Premkumar is roaming around with the Joint Registrar of Cooperatives full time without doing his full time work. In addition, many such cooperative societies have M. The cooperatives alleged that Jai Shree has been forcing the respective primary cooperative societies to buy unnecessary substandard products by forcing them to take SME loans, causing many societies to operate at a loss.

Director Audit of India Arun Sundar Dayalan said that only direct intervention could save the Kancheepuram region from Jaishri.

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