In Tamil Nadu, no good can be done to the people unless the rowdies who fight in the place where political parties serve are removed in political parties and politics. Corruption cannot be eradicated.

அரசியல் இந்தியா உள்ளூர் செய்திகள் சமூகம் சர்வதேச செய்தி செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தேசிய செய்தி நீதிமன்ற-செய்திகள் பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் மாவட்டம் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

July 17, 2024 • Makkal Adhikaram

In political parties, rowdies are brought in and given responsibilities and law and order is not good. Law and order is not good. If so, what would that look like? The press is writing about that too.

Is it politics that political parties in Tamil Nadu are corrupt and loot crores of rupees by cheating the law? Or is it politics to serve the people?

From big parties to small parties in Tamil Nadu, what is their service to the people? People still don’t know what a political party means. That’s why they rely on money rather than service. Which newspapers and television channels have made people understand about this? That is their mistake. Here the fundamentals are shaken. People are being deceived by these political parties because they do not know the basics.

A person who does not know the meaning of a political party says that everything is a party. For him, party means flag, white dhoti, whip, and he thinks that’s the party. Because they are using him to work as a cash-for-vote broker at election time. He is educated, qualified, and knows politics in the town to do the job of a broker, this idiot thinks he can control everyone.

Also, what is this journalism? The person who does not know, who shows the label without reading it, who claims that I am the newspaper, all these people are cheating the unknown people. What is politics? What is a political party? Educated youth think about this. He who does not know the meaning of politics thinks that politics is all about holding flags and shouting slogans in the crowd. That’s not politics.

The political party is not for that. What is the use of holding the flag and shouting? Also, what is the use of people if you talk in these commercial media? If there is nothing to speak and act as honest, then they do not deserve it, so which party in Tamil Nadu is working with a sense of service? Decide that before people vote for them. The mistake you make comes back to you. Which is a worthy political party? Who are the eligible political parties? Understand that and vote. Those who do not have a sense of service are not fit for a political party.

Moreover, there is no use in bringing rowdies, indiscipline and those who talk anyway, giving positions in the party and falling on their feet and taking party responsibilities and roaming around as gangsters in those areas. So, if political parties appoint a person who is useless to the country, home, law and society! That’s unnecessary. What did he do in that area? What did he do when he became an MLA? What did he do as an MP? What did the minister do? This is what we are voting for.

Because you vote for money, they think they have bought you. So those who vote with money while voting, their vote is not worthy. A vote against democracy. It was Ambedkars mistake to give voting rights to such people, perhaps during his lifetime no political party would have given such money to the people. When these laws were brought in, there was no cell phone, no phone. No Internet.

Now it is dangerous for the country to come to power by using an Election Commission as a mediator, to loot, to cheat the law, to win with money. Not only that, taking this money and investing it in foreign countries and hoarding it is the biggest betrayal of the people of this country by political parties. It is up to the press and television to make this clear to the people.

Rowdies talk like he’s good, Brad talks like he’s good, and he’s dressed white. This is what people are fooling about as politics to this day. The corporate media will be appreciating him for writing him as a good and powerful man and giving him recognition in political parties. This is what the big magazine to the small magazine does.

Leaving this aside, how much do they loot? How many crores did they loot? It is not the skill or ingenuity of the big newspapers to show it to the people. People don’t understand. I don’t know politics. Even those in journalism don’t understand. If so, how will the common man understand?

So, people should not be fooled by political parties and politicians, who are the good-hearted, good-natured, deserving people who can serve your interest in your area without selling your franchise to anyone? Decide and cast your vote for him there. Seeing the meetings of political parties, seeing the good speech in the party, seeing the banda, seeing how they speak, seeing them acting and talking and seeing their lies, do not be fooled.

Also, if you are thinking that all these lies are big TV and big magazines, then do not be fooled. So, think about politics a hundred times before people vote, money gives you one rupee and he gives money only to earn lakhs of rupees. And so, voters are a giddy who will come to that time. It’s that candy-giving, cheating job.

So, if you, the voters, are interested in your own well-being, or in the welfare of your village or your city, don’t take money from you at election time. I am giving this message to the younger generation in the hope that all these people in the age group of 40-50 years will understand this. So, those who have woken up to understand that the money you are giving for this election is the money you are giving to destroy your growth, the money you are giving to enslave you.

Educated youth, knowledgeable people and those who know politics get jobs abroad and settle down there. The citizenship of India is revoked. Reason? Bad politics here. Job suitable for study, suitable for education. Good salaries are available there. Here all that is in question. He is doing politics with an educated person there. They are doing politics with uneducated goons here. There is cinema only to enjoy cinema, here people are living without knowing how to live, introducing cinema in everything.

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