Is it journalism that is the cymbal of the rulers without pointing out their mistakes? Which is true? What lies? Is it the press that makes it clear to the people? Is it journalism to be slaves to promotions? Let the people decide which one.

அரசியல் ஆன்மீகம் இந்தியா உலகம் உள்ளூர் செய்திகள் சமூகம் செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தேசிய செய்தி நீதிமன்ற-செய்திகள் பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் மாவட்டம் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

July 22, 2024 • Makkal Adhikaram

Youtube Youtube Hour! Journalism and journalist cheating?

What does he mean by bigotry? Are you saying that I should not worship my god, my religion? Or are you telling me not to worship my family deity? Or are you saying that gods should not be worshipped? What is religious fanaticism? What does bigotry mean? Don’t you respect other religions? Or do they hate other religions? Or are they persecuting people of other religions? Or are they forcing people of other religions to convert? That’s Mani religious fanaticism. At least you are talking to any party for wages.

But the RSS is someone who works for this country, for the people of this country, without taking any wages. What is politics that brainwashes people? People’s Power was the first newspaper in Tamilnadu that this newspaper and TV wrote in makkaladhikaram magazine from the beginning.

This corporate media has created a fake media image, this is the big newspaper, this is the big television, the real is not going to the people. The reason for all this is the politics of the Dravidian parties based on these corporate media images. Other political parties and the public should understand this. What has DMK done for the people since it came to power?

What are the mistakes of the rulers? What are the mistakes in management? That’s the job of journalism. It is the job of the rulers to rectify this. But hired heart attackers in the press, television and YouTubers are now deceiving people as fakes. What if DMK comes to power? What if you don’t? What if AIADMK comes to power? What if you don’t? What if the BJP comes to power? What if you don’t? Who will benefit the people? Which is true? What lies? This is the magazine.

How long are you going to keep cheating? Just know one thing better. No matter what you say, no matter what you shout, no matter how much you speak to the people of the country from the stage and from the street corner campaigns, the DMK cannot win. Only one is winning today. Money for the vote. It’s this money that’s winning.

Let the Election Commission stop it, will the DMK win? Or will AIADMK win? Or will any of the political parties that give money win? The Election Commission has asked the bank accounts of women to be monitored from one year. Similarly, secret cameras should monitor voters a year in advance. All political parties should be monitored. Their election expenses should be monitored. If cash for votes is stopped, the corrupt cannot win. Only deserving people can succeed in politics.

They are exploiting the poverty of the people every five years to their advantage in the coming elections. This is the election. Therefore, the Election Commission should take strict action. What you are holding is not an election. You are conducting an election auction. People who do not understand politics, people who do not understand politics, the rights of the people who do not understand politics are being bought with money. That was the victory of DMK (39) MPs. That is the success of the present DMK regime. As Seeman says, without giving a single rupee to the voters, prove which party will win in Tamil Nadu?

Also, tell me under which regime terrorism and drug culture were more common? BJP rule? Or is it under Congress rule? Or the DMK regime? You can talk anyway without a conscience. It’s the talk of the hired heart attackers. Did a bomb explode during Congress rule? Or did it explode with the BJP coming to power? Did terrorism rise under Congress rule? Or did the BJP rise to power? Such YouTubers, some corporate magazines, TV channels that brainwash people are not for the people.

It is a big mistake to give concessions and advertisements to newspapers and television channels who are spreading wrong ideas among the people and giving them concessions and advertisements from the taxpayers’ money. The media which is an anti-national force is a danger to the country and the people of the country and in order to promote their political parties and to deceive the people through these media with their false propaganda, crores of rupees of people’s taxpayer money should be stopped.

This is what makkaladhikaram continues to say. What are neutral journals? What’s wrong? It is not the job of the newspaper to show the people what is the truth to the rulers, and whatever mistakes they have done, it is not the job of the press to publish and talk about it. This is deceiving the people. Besides, what is the truth in the country? What is a lie? We need to make it clear to people. This is the main duty of the press.

Instead of that, the tax money of the people should not be wasted to take the speech of a party to the people, to enrich that party. Or impose a fine. The court can also suo motu prosecute government officials who wrongfully waste public money. That is. (as Sumota)

How many problems are there in the country? Are there problems in this journalism industry? How many scams are going on? Without a clue to talk about it, they are fooling people by talking about religious fanaticism and caste bigotry. Also, has any RSS told you that you should not worship in your religion?

The religious identity of Hindus can be destroyed. But Christians and Muslims can wear purdah. You can wear a cross. Christians and Muslims can start their own religious schools. But Hindus should not start like that. This is the law brought by Congress. This is not bigotry, what is all this fanaticism? Will Mani say that? But it is not the job of the newspaper to speak against Hindus and this national interest. It doesn’t mean to say it’s a magazine. Justice is on both sides.

How many media are the stooges of political parties? How many YouTube bars are hired for hire? There is no point in fools who do not know the meaning of politicians and media to call themselves journalists and journalists. Let’s talk anyway, let’s talk about anything, it’s not journalism. This is how to speak, this is the truth, this is the lie, the newspaper explains.

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