Is politics, a political party in the country a fraud?

அரசியல் இந்தியா சமூகம் சர்வதேச செய்தி செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தேசிய செய்தி பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

Is it the job of political parties to speak in the media and social media? Who is acting? Can you list out which party has done for the people of Tamil Nadu?

people’s power is a magazine that is constantly creating awareness for the people who are being deceived in politics. Even yesterday, while speaking to a senior lawyer, he said that in a time when there were people who were not educated, they chose those who were suitable for politics.

But people who are now educated and have many degrees and are intellectuals who can use tools like cell phones, computers, etc., today do not choose those who are qualified in politics.They are choosing undeserving people and are deceiving them in politics.

The party is For whom? A political party is the rule of the members and office bearers of that party. Is politics a robbery? Political parties are deceiving those who don’t know politics Is it a job to have? Meaning for the party Unknowingly, rowdies say party, anti-social elements say party, lazy people say party They say it’s a party of cuts. Corrupt people call the party, public property Those who loot say party, those who change the town say party.

But, working hard It is not only those who eat that say the party right now. Everyone is one party or the other. If you can threaten people by name, Who among these political parties can work for the people? The question arises as to Isn’t it? If the party is tied up, the party is the party, if it holds the flag. If the party goes to the meeting, if it goes to the protest, the party,

Apart from this, The party is talking about the corruption and mistakes of one party in another party, but, For the people, there is no party to listen to their grievances. his demands There is no party to listen and implement. There is no party to it. But how many parties are there in the country that can talk in the mouth and go? So many parties Therefore, what is the use of the people?There is no use at all. Because of them, corruption is on the rise in the country. Violence increases. Divisions among the people are increasing. Personal Relationships The differences between them are increasing. This is what the current political parties in Tamil Nadu are doing. situation

People who do not know the truth of such parties, these They are being deceived by political parties. Moreover, it will be deceiving like this All the political parties are saying is corporate. The company is advertising in newspapers and television channels and looking at the income Contains. Such as

This is mediator job for the public. What is truth? Is it true what they are talking about? Even if it is true, are they capable of implementing what is said? When the party and the party president are not implementing it, how will those who claim to be a worker implement it? After talking about principle, ambition, theory and interpretation, they disperse when the play is over. Similarly, should people be satisfied after watching the drama they spoke on today’s press tv? Or in the town, in the city, in their banners,

Posters, Seeing the writing on the wall, people think that they are all social activists. Do you want to read and see? Or that they look at the body and say that they are social activists. Do you think? This is it Is it a symbol of political parties in Tamil Nadu? Is this it? Political Party Those who know politics lament that it is social service. Those who don’t know are deceived. Some people believe that they speak well.

There are some who say that it is enough to have a quarter and biryani to drink. Even now, an ordinary driver tells me that we are being deceived in politics by giving voting rights to all those who do not deserve it. That’s true. It was Ambedkar’s folly to give voting rights to all those who did not even know the basic qualifications. Even when the white man was ruling this country as a slave, he gave voting rights only to graduate and educated people.

Here on the one hand is the caste, are they loyal to that caste? No. They are planning and talking about how to cheat the caste. That’s how the Vanniyar community collapsed. To this day, the society has been deceived into not being able to work hard and come forward. Ramadoss says 40 years of political history. Whenever elections are coming up, he will make a political statement on reservation among the people of this caste. Those people were deceived for a long time and now they have understood his false pretence.

Many societies and organizations have been formed today by adopting the same style. There is nothing that does selfless service to this society. Everything is cell phones, social media, newspapers, if you do politics in it and have publicity, then if we come to the big parties for elections, buy boxes. you can become very rich. This is the current situation of these caste parties. in this, the deceiving crowd is deceiving. The wise will understand what they say. Those who don’t understand won’t understand how to say it.

Now how to cheat caste? How to cheat in politics? How to cheat in the law? How to dress up as good people in the society? How do you dress up as good people in politics? How do these good people do advertising business on social media and in newspapers? Instead,

From ordinary partymen in the country to district and state in-charges, what good can he do to the community? I didn’t think about it. How much do you earn each day? In what ways can you earn? Is there any shortcut to that? This is how politics is. For such political parties The police are fully cooperating and looking at good returns.

Those who don’t know politics believe whatever they say and are deceiving them. All the educated and uneducated people who do not know about such political parties and politics are being deceived. It is a fact which they do not understand to this day that the result has brought people’s lives into struggle. The state, the country or the people of the country will progress only if the government is governed in a good manner.

All the basic necessities of various life such as career advancement, cash flow, wages for labour, skills, qualified employment opportunities, law and order problem, peace, food, etc. People need to understand that politics is important. It is wrong to give voting rights to people who are talking to the person who ate what came without understanding this, without any political qualifications.

As long as they choose the undeserving people and don’t understand the culture of corruption in the country, the culture of rowdies, thinking that all these are politics, politics is It’s been a fraud. When they will understand, who knows? if you understand, you can get away with the politics of deception.

Moreover, it is not the job of a deserving political party to come to your house to vote and gather in large numbers and offer money for votes. This is a job of deceiving those who don’t know politics. Without knowing this, some people take it as looted money. Some people talk about our money. No matter what the money is, if they buy money for vote and vote, they are not eligible to vote. They do not have basic political qualifications.

People’s authority has informed the Election Commission about this through several messages. But there is no action. It is the job of conducting elections for a duty. If the Election Commission understands that changing the laws according to the times, according to the mood of the people, is suitable for human life.

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