This letter is about the anguish and tears of the social welfare press in the field of journalism to the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Chandra Sood. My humble request to you to get social justice for us..

அரசியல் இந்தியா சமூகம் செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தலைப்பு நீதிமன்ற-செய்திகள் பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

ஜூலை 01, 2024 • Makkal Adhikaram

 Honble Chief Justice.

Supreme Court – Delhi.

My humble obeisances to His Excellency the King Chief Justice.


I have been working as a reporter in the field of journalism for 25 years and have been running this magazine called makkaladhikaram for 9 years. So far, we have not been given advertisements by the central and state governments. If we ask about it, they show us a rule called circulation.

Not only that, we give bus passes and advertisements to daily newspapers. and They say, don’t give it to the press monthly,weekly. Moreover, with politics dominating the industry, social welfare newspapers like ours have to struggle to tell the truth in the country. People also think that journalism is what the business press says.

These business newspapers hide the facts and become a cymbal to the rulers and enjoy crores of rupees of taxpayers’ money and advertisements and give concessions and advertisements to the newspapers belonging to the political party of their choice. but

Till date, we have not received even a single advertisement from the central and state governments. They have ruined the purpose of journalism by following wrong press rules. Moreover, circulation can show how many lakhs and crores of circulation can be shown with money.

But instead of giving importance to the newspapers that give quality news, real news and necessary news to the people, the central and state governments divide it into daily, monthly and weekly and are politically dominating it. The purpose of the press is not to advertise the rulers. People are wasting tax money in the name of crores of concessionary advertisements by showing the circulation rule in the daily newspapers for such advertisements.

This wrong rule of taking the government’s schemes and activities to the people has been used. Also, are the schemes and activities reaching the people in the right way? That’s what’s important. Notice and advertising are not important. Apart from this, circulation has now reduced even in very big magazines. Everything is now on the internet that people like to see the news. In such a situation, the Central and State Government Information Department officials are following these circulation rules.

I have been reporting on this in makkaladhikaram magazine for more than five years. The Tamil Nadu Social Welfare Journalists’ Federation has sent legal notices to the central and state governments on the issue. By the grace of Hon’ble Chief Justice Aya, offer advertisements should be given to eligible newspapers. That is, the circulation they are talking about is in the government advertisement i.e. in the tax money of the people and enjoying crores of advertisements and bus passes and enrich themselves.

We are being ignored because we publish factual news for social welfare. Journalism, the fourth pillar of the country, continues to suffer a lot of misery at the hands of the rulers. We belong to an ordinary middle-class family. Because of our concern for society, we have come to this field of journalism and are struggling with life by running such social welfare magazines. The government spends so many crores on anything.

But what is the loss of revenue to the government in giving advertisements and concessions to newspapers like ours? What we’re asking for is a legitimate newspaper and we’re fighting to get the same promotions for our websites, taking into account the audiences our websites as a circulation. But the central and state governments did not pay attention to this.

The price paid for advertising in the country is the concession and advertisements given to these corporate media, but the price paid for truth is the struggle, humiliation and anguish that we are experiencing in the condition of social welfare newspapers like us in the country.

I request you to touch your feet and pray that we all get social justice in this field of journalism. I express my humble obeisance and heartfelt thanks to the Hon’ble Chief Justice.

                                                                      K.N.Rajendran .    

                                                                      Editor – Makkaladhikaram .

                                                                      Tamil nadu .

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