What was the mistake of the mystic Mahavishnu? Is it wrong to talk about the account of sins and virtues? Are ministers afraid of politics because it is wrong?

அரசியல் ஆன்மீகம் இந்தியா சமூகம் சர்வதேச செய்தி செய்திகள் ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தமிழ்நாடு அரசு செய்திகள் தேசிய செய்தி நீதிமன்ற-செய்திகள் பிரபலமான செய்தி மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் மாவட்டம் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட்

September 10, 2024 • Makkal Adhikaram

It was the teachers of the government school who invited Mahavishnu to speak at the school. It’s not wrong to call them. There is nothing wrong with what Mahavishnu said. Meanwhile, Shankar, a disabled teacher who spoke, politicized. The DMK government is politicising this without knowing it. This will affect the DMK. It’s a little problematic. It must be said that it is the foolishness of the DMK regime to make it so that the people of Tamil Nadu are talking.

Because how much mistakes are going on in the Tamil Nadu People’s School today? Without talking about it, there is no place in the law to make a spiritual statement. It’s about religion, it’s all politicized. It’s not even a religious idea, it’s a concept that concerns human life. When a person is disabled, what do they call him? Walking well? Can you talk about having hands and feet well? What’s wrong with saying what’s wrong? Can you run? Can you act like others? He said he was disabled because he was disabled.

Did he come to humiliate the disabled? Religion is not a barrier to talking about spiritual things. Doesn’t the Bible talk about sin? Doesn’t the Quran talk about sin? If they talk here, it’s wrong. It’s okay if they talk. This is unacceptable. The government is wrong. Justice should not be biased

Making the parents of school children speak to the media as well as complain to the disabled associations, all this is politicizing. If the disabled associations in other parties complain on the other side, then where will this politics go?

So, it would be better for the DMK to end the issue a little without making it bigger. Every aspect of this has an impact on the Hindu society. You have to remember that. The BJP is doing politics in support of this. So, it is better to release Lord Vishnu immediately and send him home.

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