When does a natural disaster occur in the world? Will there be a natural catastrophe in the world in 2024? What does spirituality say?

அரசியல் ஆன்மீகம் இந்தியா உணவு செய்தி உலகம் சமூகம் சர்வதேச செய்தி ட்ரெண்டிங் தமிழ்நாடு தேசிய செய்தி தொழில்நுட்பம் மத்திய மாநில செய்திகள் முக்கிய செய்தி ரிசன்ட் போஸ்ட் விவசாயம்

Nature is a divine force. Does the wind have ears? If there is. What we speak goes to air in the form of sound. It listens to another. That is why we pray to God, chant mantras, sound the Vedas , and this is how the nature of air reaches the Lord through sacrifices and pujas.

If so, is God in the form of a statue? Or in natural form? The Lord is the Lord. God is formative and impersonal. If you look at it as stone, it is a statue, if you look at it as God, it is God. God is in the position of the beholder. This world is the total form of air, earth, water, fire and space.

In this, the human body and its movement, the movement of the nine planets, human life, the birth and death of living beings, its benefit , It includes the evils, the calculation of karma, and the movements of the world. That is what keeps man alive in the world. It is also destroying. He is the protector and destroyer. This is the God of Nature, who created for us pure air, earth, water, space, everything and created mankind. He keeps living.

When human life acts against such nature, nature punishes man .I have written many times that if man destroys nature, nature will destroy man . This human body is just flesh and bone . This is because of the karmas of arrogance and adharma , nature does not amuse. No artificial force can work before the power of nature. It becomes inactive. When human life was illiterate about 50 years ago, people traveled with nature .

For them, nature gave them the joy, peace and fulfillment of life. Now position, power, luxury, nothing gives fulfillment and happiness in human life. It can feel it for the time being. But the human mind staggers in its intoxication.Whether it is position, power, money, property, pleasure, excessive greed makes a man at peace. It makes you lose .

That is why he suffers. He who lives if he does not is at peace and happy . Today , he is suffering from many diseases and diseases.He has. God creates everything for a reason. When they think that only a few people should enjoy that creation, the result is in their karma.Leaves.

Now they think that position and power belong only to them. That’s wrong. Those who have come to power do not realize that this post and power is for the people. What ways can you make money? Can assets be included? How do the children of ministers, MLAs and MPs in their families live? How are they? They didn’t even look at it.

This is not only for the rulers but also for the government employees. Because when their duty fails, that karma reaches them .Similarly, judiciary is a very important part of human life . Justice was spoken of as a god, as an angel. In those days it was a rain for the unjust king. The king of justice is not an ordinary power , it is a power that travels with nature.

Therefore, if justice is mishandled, its karma will go to the judge who gave that justice . No one can escape this. Therefore, justice is a deity in the form of nature .At that time a cow had sought justice from the king. Many such histories have been published.

So, when does nature wreak havoc on it? When justice is questioned, when unrighteousness arises in the country, when people do not live by dharma , conscience When they speak without talk and live without a conscience, the punishment of such nature will go to these people.

When will time punish it in the image of nature? No one knows. How does this natural disaster come about? Natural calamities such as tsunami, earthquake, earthquake , rain, flood , storm etc. Occurs. On the one hand, the scientific opinions of scientists and the philosophers, astrologers and spiritualists The opinion also agrees.

This means that the year 2024 is a natural disaster in many countries. Not only Baba Vanga, the prophet who was so predicted , but also the Siddhas and Saints of our country Or they have predicted that many countries of the world will face destruction. The sum of 2024 according to numerology astrology is 8. Eight of these is the number dominated by Saturn, Saturn is righteous, Dharmadeva, justice in this world When there is a question mark, when people are living in adharma, Shani will punish them.

That is why those who commit mistakes will be more affected during the times like 7 and a half Saturdays and Ashtama Saturdays . Even now, the names of the countries i.e. the number seven according to numerology , are the countries of nature. They say disaster will come. This is the enmity between the number 8 and the number seven. This is what numerologists predict is that the countries with this number will face more natural disasters this year.Astrologers.

 Spiritualists say that whenever adharma arises in the country, nature will take its power in its hands to save dharma. Astrologers say that when Saturn joins Mars in its own house Aquarius, not only that, but also the conjunction of Rahu with the movements of the planets and disasters of nature. They report.

It is Life is made up of a cell phone in one hand. How can man cheat the law without believing and thinking about labor in human life? How to live by deceiving society? How to cheat and loot public property? How to wear a strap? How to spoil the other person? How to deceive the next one? By living like this, the deceiver cannot live in peace. He, too, will be disappointed in the end.

When he leaves this world, all the embodiment of disappointment will reach him. It is not the deceiver who is clever, but the deceiver who is clever. Because the deceiver buys the karma of the deceiver. Whether it is politics, political party, profession, spirituality, whatever the position, cheating comes into account of their karma. Now tell me.

this Who is the smartest person in the world? Are those who live without knowing the account of karma wise? Is he wise enough to know nothing? Today, when life is at the height of the struggle, people who believe in God and believe in God do not suffer much. From time to time, this divine power guides them and makes them live. Where is God? Where is God? He is invisible. Kannadasan’s song was the answer to all this in those days.

besides There is no doubt that when truth and dharma are tested, the God of nature will definitely show his wrath. Is Stalin’s rule in Tamil Nadu now a rule of adharma? Or is it the rule of dharma? People will know how much people were affected by the rain and floods that came to Chennai once? To what condition has nature put them? What is the power of nature? They will be aware of that. Their power has lost to nature. So, position and power are not a big deal.

Period of time A job given to someone under compulsion. It has no meaning to do that work properly, misuse it, live selfishly without caring for the welfare of the people of the country. Moreover, when television and newspapers erred in their duties, nature is going to punish them for speaking without conscience, writing without conscience. That hasn’t changed. This is spirituality.

What does the science say? When the ice in Antarctica melts due to high temperatures, where will that water go? It will go to the land.

 That is, how many countries are the surrounding land areas in the sea? Sea water will enter those countries. Though this is a simple thing, there is so much science and spirituality mixed in it. The man who reads human life here is a wise man. An uneducated man is a fool. Nothing in this world is permanent . Nothing can take him. So if life follows dharma, then the God of nature will definitely support them.

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